Windsor Earth Action Climate Team
A Town of Windsor citizen’s group addressing  Global Warming and quality of life opportunities through local action.

Do you have a lamp, small appliance, textile, computer, or bike in need of repair?

Bring it to the Windsor Repair Fair!

Volunteers and specialized repair professionals will be on-hand to repair* your items.  We ask that you stay with your item while it’s being fixed, so you can learn tips for future maintenance, how to shop for repairable goods, and even how to repair things yourself!  

If you’d like to bring an item to repair, please register the item here. Pre-registering allows us to prepare for your item.

This is a free public event.

This event will also include a Clothing Swap. Please bring clothing items and accessories (clean and in good shape) to share and bring home something new to you! More on clothing swaps here.

Conservation Corps of the North Bay will also be at the event collecting ewaste. See a list of items they can and can’t accept here.

*We cannot guarantee your item(s) will be repaired, depending on the existing damage or breakage, ability of volunteer fixers, and availability of materials for repair. Note we also cannot work on microwaves.

Join Us!

Does fixing things sound like a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon?  Or want to help out in other ways?  We need you! Email or sign up ( to get involved!